Monday, February 9, 2009

Do not adjust your set. Nuevasync is still here.

Here are some answers to the questions we've been asked today:
Is Google's new sync service similar to Nuevasync ? Yes the two services use the same sync capabilities present in the same devices including the iPhone, and today provide a similar set of features.
Did Google use any of our technology? No.
Does this mean the end of Nuevasync ? No, there will be much more to Nuevasync than today's Google sync service.
Is this good news for Nuevasync ? Yes. I'm pleased that Google have adopted our approach to mobile sync. It's also good to read that they are using their resources and influence with device vendors to enhance the quality of device sync client code.
If you guys weren't planning to become the sync engine for Google, why did you create your Google service ? We wanted to develop really solid sync server software and Google was picked as a data source back in 2007 when work began on our 'demo' service. Google had a decent calendar application and a usable API. The plan was to attract a few hundred users and fix any bugs they revealed in the code. There are 120,000 users today so we over-achieved a little on the plan but we've also fixed some very obscure bugs!
Which new features are coming next ? E-mail sync (from any IMAP mailbox), support for other calendar services besides Google, a solution for users who need to use a corporate Exchange server, tasks support, major web site improvements. We will also fix all the bugs ;) Keep the support mails coming...


Anonymous said...

tried out the google version... though i'll switch back to nuevasync, once the the email/tasks sync is in place google and nuevasync will be my little hub for everything. Still an amazing service with much better support than most paid services for... well... anything. (p.s. syncing with new google tasks would be swweeeet)

Daaaaave said...
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Pastor Andy Arnold said...

I have also appreciated the service quite a bit. It's one of the things that convinced me I could replace my Palm with an iPod Touch. I would like to know how to get rid of Cyan as the base calendar color, because it's very hard to read!

What would really rock my world is a way to sync contacts including Google Contacts, Facebook Phonebook, and the Verizon Backup service so that I didn't have to re-enter information.

Thanks for a great service and keep up the good work!

Daaaaave said...

I'm about to go official but wanted to say thanks for the great service. Worked so well I never had to think about it.

Unknown said...

i will go officially too, but the same as the Person above: Thank you, great service all over the time!

But i will come back, if you get Push Mail before Google ;)

John Coloe said...

I recommended Nuevasync as the preferred method of over-the-air synchronization for my company's Google Apps Calendars and Contacts to our Windows Mobile devices. Nuevasync's use of ActiveSync and Google APIs, as opposed to loading sync client code on the devices. was the primary reason for my recommendation. In my humble opinion, this is absolutely the right approach.

Now that Google Sync is available, Nuevasync's long-term success depends on their ability to monetize premium services. Supporting a full suite of Google properties (e.g. Tasks, Docs, etc.), as well as IMAP e-mail, Exchange, and other calendars, seems like a good start. Supporting other non-Google properties with large followings also seems like a good approach as Google isn't likely to venture beyond their own properties (Remember The Milk, Evernote, 30Boxes, and others come to mind).

Keep up the good work Nuevasync. All the best to your continued success.

Kris said...

I have loved this service from the beginning, but I am tempted to also go official since it has the same features. It was a great service using built in software and simple setup.

I can only hope this gives the team here a push towards push email. That and tasks would bring me back very quickly.

Thanks again for the great service and I will check back regularly for updates.

DogMash said...

Note that Google currently has a weak spot -- one that nuevasync might be able to exploit: Google contacts may leave much to be desired. Not only do Google's iPhone sync supposedly not handle any contact groups, but Google's contact importer doesn't always work right (try importing a contact with more than one IM account).

It would be really nice if nuevasync could sync with some other, more full-featured contacts provider.

KyleC said...

I am hearing contact sync might not be 2-way on some devices? hmmm

I am staying right here till the dust settles on this. Push email FTW!

Anonymous said...

I just switched over to Google's exchange. As soon as IMAP is implemented I will be back. HURRY!

emil said...

Add push email as service before google and I'm back before you know it :)

Unknown said...

I wil continue on Nuevasync service on my iPhone google service do not sysnc all my calendars just the nain one.

You are the best, please gmail sync

RF9 said...

I'm sticking with Nuevasync because Google's doesn't support multiple calendars.

Unknown said...

yes indeed a great service here. I have been impressed until now. Also they keep users well informed when things go wrong (which isn't that often).

I am switching because it is one less hop and one less place where it can go wrong. However, same as previous posts if push email or group support for contacts is added then there is a real reason to come back.

Unknown said...

As many user tell here..... Nuevasync have do a very grat work until now...... but i switch to google to test service and i see that native google sync is equal neuvasync excep for multicalendar sync capability, but i think that this point will be address quickly by Google.

Nuevasync need to enhance service doing:
- adding push technology from any IMAP server, as promise here
- correct bugs in contacts sync, i have many little bugs for contacts
- add task sync

my 2c


RF9 said...

I was wrong. Google DOES support multiple calendars. Go to on your iPhone and select "sync" to enable the other calendars.

Markku said...

Also tried the Google sync but reverted back. Google actually has support for multiple calendars opposed to what has been written here... you just have to enable additional calendars through However, only the "main" calendar works 2-way... all the rest are read only (read: useless). Keep up the good work guys!

RF9 said...

Additional calendars are 2 way, not just read only, if you have access to them. If your secondary calendars are someone else'w that they have shared with you, they need to give you access to add and make changes to their calendar.

Unknown said...

i don't know the setup by web pages from now i use multicalendar.
And all my calendar are 2way sync...
is not immediatly but in 20sec all my calendar are sync
i add an event from iphone in a secondary calendar and this is sync correctly
i remove an event in a secondary calendar and this is synbc correctly
i change an evento in a secondary calendar and this sync correctly

Unknown said...

Google contacts sync is more stable, with nuevasync contacts sync always i lost sync action due to minos field change (as nuevasync support tell me) that google API don't recognize as change, now this minor field change are sync correctly.

I hope google release a new set of API and NuevaSync resolve all contacts sync issue in oder to back me to nuevasync service....


Anonymous said...

I'm kinda here looking for reasons to stick with nuevasync for calendar. This is a good service, and I don't want to go if I don't have to. :)

Can anyone confirm if google sync supports multiple calendars? I saw comments on their blog with people querying the same thing as here with the random selection of calendar colours - so it sounds like they've worked that out already. That's the main thing for me, really.

Unknown said...

Exactly NuevaSync
multicalendar support with problem about calendar color

we will se which resolve the issue before....

Matthias said...

One advantage of NuevaSync is that it syncs profile pictures selected on the iPhone back to Google contacts. Google Sync does not seem to do this.

Shawn said...

This is bad news for all the 3rd party sync providers, but wasn't unexpected.

Nuevasync, did you license the Microsoft protocol (as Google did)?

Best of luck filing the sync needs for other online services and a "meta" sync might be a good niche. (Syncing both a real exchange + google + plaxo + ...)

Unknown said...

NO, for me image contact profile are sync correctly.
I do some test and i found a bug in contact web interface....
image add by web google contacts pages are sync correctly but in profile contacts is not present.....

a google issue :-)

Francesco said...
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Francesco said...

Google Sync: no contact picture, only 5 calendars, no merging different google accounts.

I stay with Nuevasync!

Fabian Inthamoussu said...

Hi guy:
I think that where you could make the difference is in push mail with multiple imap accounts.
So, even if google adds push mail (which would be great), you can provide push mail with any imap email account, and not just google.
That is your advantage :)
Keep the good work...

fallout said...

Regarding the colors: Check the post with SQL editing. Solves it! You can select the colors you want now.

shawin said...

NuevaSync is amazing. I haven't had any issues so far. I'll only move to Google's service if they get me push gmail before you guys do.

Unknown said...

I suppose nuevasync sync process dirt contacts record in google contacts or google contacts menage recorde in a dirty way.....
the result is that with contacts already present, image and other small issue are present, with new contacts sync with google sync all works fine, image, filed, etc

Maybe also with nuevasync i will try...

Thanks for path for calendar color, i will do it .

Unknown said...

sqleditor is for jailbraking is original !!!!!

wait google or nuevasync solution

Anonymous said...

I am sticking with nueva sync for now. To get me to switch, google has to prove that they are better, not just equivalent. That said, there are some features that neither has right now that I would like. Long term, I am going to go with whichever service has the most features I want for the least money (read free)

Tom R said...

I think there is something to be said for loyalty; in this case, the guys who have developed NuevaSync have been providing a free service that I for one much appreciate so I don't think it is fair to pull the rug out from under them (having their user base "evaporate") just because now Google comes up with a similar service. Let's give them some time to see if they can "take it to the next level".

Shawn said...

I don't think competing head to head with a service Google offers for free is a winning business plan. There is really no hope for monetizing a pure Google sync. A meta sync maybe. IMHO

pulsorock said...

I've been trying to use NuevaSync for over 4 months for syncing my 800+ contacts and calendar with my Google Apps account and my Windows Mobile 6.1 Pro.

But it never worked... The sync process always started and when it synced around 100-200 contacts it stopped and ActiveSync displayed that ActiveSync encountered a problem on the server. On the NuevaSync status paged it always displayed a message of "Error Diagnosis: Internal error 142, please contact support". I contacted support on October and January, but never got a solution to the problem.

Yesterday I tried Google's Sync service with my Windows Mobile 6.1 and it worked without any problems. It synced all my contacts (with their pictures) and my calendar events.

So I'll use Google Sync... maybe later I'll try NuevaSync again to see if the problems I had before are fixed.

Unknown said...

I have dropped Nuevasync for now, but gimme contact sync with multiple Gmail accounts and I come running back.

test Man said...

I'm staying with Nuevasync. Google only allows syncing with 5 calendars, and that does not cut the mustard with me.

Keep up the good work Nuevasync!

JHStutzman said...

I tried to switch yesterday. Google synced my primary calendar, but my wife's calendar never showed up. Yes, I went to the mobile site and enabled it, and it showed up in my list of calendars, but it was empty. I;m thinking Google has trouble syncing read-only calendars, especially since Nuevasync had that limitation for a while. Of course, Nuevasync got past that, and everything works great. I tried the switch and it just didn't work. Unless Google can provide a stable, superior service, I'm here to stay.

Unknown said...

Loyalty is important. Besides, the new Google service has no added features beyond what Neuvasync already offers. Why switch?

Unknown said...

Nuevasync is seemless and I have no need to go to GoogleSync. Thanks for your great product.

RF9 said...

So it hurts Nuevasync to lose users who freeload off their free service?
Exactly how are they losing customers if they don't make money off the users?

I think a few people moving to Google might be a good thing and save them money. Every user so far costs them.

Either way. In time, I think Nuevasync will offer a true multi provider "cloud" that we can sync to that will be a far greater value than a single sync to Google.

Kris said...

I am switching back because my WinMo device can only sync the main calendar.

Lufferov said...

I'm sticking with Nuevasync, it's been a great service from the start and I see no reason to switch now.

I'm confused by this talk of IMAP sync though. I already have my Gmail working with IMAP on my iPhone and PC and both sync correctly. So what exactly is it that you are planning to provide that improves on what is already possible?

RF9 said...
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nhatman said...

Luffer, syncing gmail via IMAP is not the issue here. In terms of added features that everyone is talking about that is not available right now is PUSH email function with gmail.

Dan said...

I'll be sticking with Nuevasync. It has yet to fail me.

Like most of the other people here have said, whoever gets push email first will be the ultimate winner.

Niels J. said...

Go Nuevasync!

Push IMAP email will be the killer! Hopefully it will be for any imap service!

I can't wait.

Unknown said...

You guys have nothing to worry about. I tried the Google sync and it only allows for one calendar to sync with the phone... I heard about this service through a comparison done on the blog and switched to you as soon as I finished reading the post. Haven't looked back since. Really looking forward to task syncing. Keep up the great work!

Lufferov said...

Okay, so how is push IMAP different from regular IMAP? I use IMAP for Gmail and my emails come through fine. Still fell like I am missing something here....?

test Man said...


With Push email, they come right away. As it stands, the phone checks every 15 minutes for new emails.

Lufferov said...

I see, that sounds cool. I got confused by people saying it would be great to get IMAP sync working, when that already does happen.

However, doesn't PUSH mean you have to have a constant data connection all the time to the server? Not a problem for unlimited data tariffs, I'm thinking more in terms of battery life. I only get a day out of the iPhone as it is, can't cope with less than that.

Unknown said...

I'm not going anywhere!

All I can say is that this service has been awesome. The tech support has been awesome. I loved checking the blog to see how the bug fixes developed.

As for why i'm staying with Nuevasync:
* it's a lazier option.
* they have amazing tech support
* more experience with bugs (ie: multi calender support)

Thanks Nuevasync.

Anonymous said...

Sticking with you guys because, plain and simple, you respond quickly and put together a great service when we wanted it.

Steve Crossland said...

I currently use Nuevasync to sync my google calendar(s) from my main gmail account, and my contacts from a separate gmail account. My wife does the same, thus we share a repository of contacts but each have our own calendars.

Can the new Google sync do that? No, it can't. Nuevasync wins.

Stu said...

Nuevasync is still way better than Google Sync. Particularly if you're after an ActiveSync solution for something other than an iPhone or iPod touch (it'll still be my preferred sync provider for my Sony Ericsson G900 for a long while yet).

Keep up the good work guys!


Unknown said...

Loyalty is a good thing. I like the way Nuevasync runs their business. Open, honest, low profile and (important) free of charge. Keep up the good work and I'll stay with you.

Roman Zolotarev said...

Guys your service is great. Never, never give up!

Good luck.

vestini said...

You guys have got really quick bug-fixing experience, really human "customer" relations, and really good ideas for future improvements (plus a proven track record for rolling them out faster than Google).

Four good reasons (plus the other technical ones, like contact pics, multiple calendar support, etc.) for sticking with Nuevasync.

Hope YOU will be able to stick it out!

What?? said...

I-m definitely sticking with least they support multiple calendars and their service and support are a thousand times better than Google-s. Now, Google will catch up soon, but I honestly believe Nuevasync will widen their offerings soon, outshining Google again...

Editor said...

When is email sync coming?

RolyMo said...

I am sticking with Nuevasync. I think it is a rock solid product and as other posters have mentioned Googles contact fields are not as complete as Outlooks. I use Nuevasync to sync Plaxo contacts, and Google Calendar to my iPhone.

I am supporting Nuevasync.

aggieben said...

I really liked Nuevasync as much as the next guy, and I would have loved to stay with it, but contacts stopped working for me because of "bad data" in my contact data, and the issue was never resolved.

Google sync works just like a charm, and it supports multiple calendars just like nuevasync did. I had already switched to using iTunes to sync contacts and stuck with nuevasync for calendar, but now there's no reason to stay.

I'll check back periodically for new features that might get me to switch, but I suspect I'm signed off for good.

Thanks again, Nuevasync. It was good for a while.

Sam said...

Google Sync only syncs 1 calendar for me and it messed up my contacts. I'm switching back to NuevaSync

Unknown said...

Keep it up guys!
You guys rock!
Very easy to set-up and use.

High Level Guy said...

to all: if it ain't broken, don't fix it. Nuevasync works perfectly for calendar & contacts, and I have been grateful for the service for quite some time now, so I'm staying with Nueva. why change if it ain't broken? i'm a huge fan of google services, but just because google is offering sync doesn't mean it will be a better experience than Nueva.

So if you can, i invite you to stay with Nueva and continue to support the tireless hours they have put into this free service that you have enjoyed. (and no i'm not affiliated with Nueva, just supporting what i believe is a good project)


Victor said...

"a solution for users who need to use a corporate Exchange server"

OMG YES. I am still with Nuevasync even after Google Sync, because NuevaSync has been a great product so far. If you could implement a way for me to sync with my google calendar/contacts AND my work exchange email then I'd love you forever! Work doesn't allow IMAP access.

Bonji said...

I've tried all sorts of paid for sync solutions and found them very very wanting. I am an iPhone and iPod Touch user. Nuevasync is the only one I managed to actually do what it says on the tin. First time. Well done Nuevasync and THANK YOU!

John Thornley

Anonymous said...

As the previous poster said, if you guys could figure out how to allow sync with google AND someones WORK exchange email you'd be so loved! I hate having to choose my work only for sync'ing.. The limitation of only 1 exchange account at a time is so cripling.

d said...

I've been using Nuevasync for the last several weeks and just wanted to thank you for the great service!

Lisa Solomon said...

Loving Nuevasync because it can sync multiple Google calendars, while Google's own service can't (at least for WinMo).

Any news on when we can expect to be able to sync with Google's tasks feature?